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Penetrate the famous video website Youtube

Was the famous video site YouTube as of 4/7/2010 under attack by some pirates, and the share of POP singer named Justin Bieber most affected by these attacks, where he was Vidyohath at the point of most of them.
Tid is penetration through the gaps HTML Injections aimed at the comments attached to the video and thought it could exploit this vulnerability to XSS attacks as well. And has revealed Forums 4Chan some of its members were responsible for the discovery and exploitation of this vulnerability to spread certain messages posted on Youtube itself or directing your browser automatically to other sites Alhecrz sites, and pornography.
Google also said gap for knowledge of, and worked to disable comments for several hours before to repair the hole in the nearly two hours, also confirmed that it will continue to study the source of the gaps to avoid such violations in the future.

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