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IBM Cool her computer giant "Apuasar" by hot water

IBM, launched the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) supercomputer named Aquasar which has a cooling system is unique. Instead of the use of cold water or air fans, used Aquasar hot water for cooling of perceptions. Aquasar depends on the water in the cooling degree of 60 degrees Celsius, because the temperature is safe in which they operate IBM's up to 85 degrees Celsius, Using this technique, users can servers save 40% of the energy consumed by fans, air used to cool the current processors, which is the transfer of hot water output for cooling the processors Aquasar to be used to heat homes surrounding the Institute of ETH Zurich, where cool the water again on the way back processor-Aquasar. IBM estimates that the heat from the computer up to 9 kW of thermal energy and which are exploited in the heating system at the Institute, thereby reducing energy use for cooling and heating Aquasar buildings in the Institute and its surroundings at the same time. And it "is Aquasar the most important step has been reached to run data centers, Data Centers friendly environment by 85%
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